While using "numeric" chmod you
could use the "hidden" fourth digit to set the "s"
bit ... so if usually you'd issue a chmod 750 to obtain full permission
for the owner, read and execution for the group and no access to others,
you could use a chmod 4750 (note the leading 4) to give "s"
bit to the owner
You could imagine a fourth octal digit
hidden before the well known three ones that you already used with the
chmod command. As in the "numeric" chmod, each bit sets a
particular permission. In the three well known digits the higher bit
sets the read permission, the middle is used to give write permission
while the rightmost (and least significant) gives access to directory
and execution to the files. In the same way, the highest bit in the
fourth digit gives "Set User On Execution" while the
middle gives "Set Group on Execution" and the third and
rightmost is OS depending. Sometimes it is used on the directories
with the meaning of "Sticky bit"
Let's make some examples:
If you have a file with the default
Unix permissions (rwx-rw-rw-) and you want to REMOVE writing and reading
for all others you'd issue something like chmod
660 file_name obtaining unix permissions (rw-rw----). If you want
to execute the file and want your group to be able to execute it, you'd
issue chmod 770 file_name obtaining (rwxrwx---) . I'd issue a
chmod 750 (rwxr-x---) to have quiet and silent nights ;-) And now
wonder that you'd like to give the opportunity to your group to run your
executable with YOUR userid. You'd give a chmod 4750, resulting in
(first digit = 4 -> SetUser) the following unix permissions: (rwsr-x---).
The same way you could give an
executable to everybody and let them execute it with a particular userid
... (In some systems the mail-system and the printer spooler uses this
trick) you'd use a chmod 2755 resulting in unix permissions (rwxr-sr-x).
Sometimes you'd see a capital s instead
of the "little one"... This means that the underlying x isn't
set. So if you use: chmod 2705 you'll get (rwx--Sr-x). Please note
the capital 'S' !!! The group doesn't have the x bit (the third number
is a '0')
A special note on directories:
If you have a directory (such as /tmp)
where everybody could enter (the x bit) and delete files (the w bit),
sometimes it's useful to set the t bit (chmod 1777 /tmp). In that way
you'll obtain an useful (rwxrwxrwt) permission which means that
everybody could get INTO the directory (the t bit is set) and read/write
HIS/HER OWN FILES, without being able to DELETE the files used by others
... Try it out !! :-)
Best regards, Stefano