In the event that your organization already has email service, you should proceed through the following steps to ensure that your email service is not interrupted as you transition to your e-smith server and gateway.
Step 1: | Set up the e-smith server and gateway as described in the manual, but do not have your ISP or dynamic DNS service publish your new DNS MX records, and do not change the email configuration in your email applications. This allows you to begin using the e-smith server and gateway for Internet access, web hosting, etc., while continuing to use your current email servers. |
Step 2: | Create email accounts for all of your employees on the e-smith server and gateway. The account names should be identical to current email accounts. |
Step 3: | Once the accounts are created on the e-smith server and gateway, have your ISP or dynamic DNS service publish the new MX record pointing to the e-smith server and gateway. We recommend that you do this on a Friday, so that the transition occurs over a weekend. As your new MX record propagates through the Internet, some email messages will be delivered to your current mailboxes at your ISP, and others will be delivered to your new mailboxes on the e-smith server and gateway. Over the next few days, the email delivered to your ISP will diminish to a slow trickle. |
Step 4: | When you are no longer receiving email from your ISP (within two or three days of publishing your new mail server IP address) you can go ahead and reconfigure your email applications to send and receive mail via the e-smith server and gateway, as per the instructions in the user manual. |
Step 5: | Cancel the POP mailboxes at the ISP. |