HowTO add multiple users to e-smith 4.1.x

with thanks to David O'Dwyer & Scott Smith

The script below will read in a text file containing user information and automatically create and set up e-smith user accounts.  This is perfect for quickly adding multiple users to e-smith.

Simply cut and paste the entire script below (including the last line "done") into a file called

Then create a text file called adduserlist.txt with the following format:


and place both the files in the /root directory.

To execute, login as root, change to the /root directory and enter (including the "."):

[root@e-smith /root]# .

# Create the file /root/adduserlist.txt in the following format:
# and so on...
# This script will create user accounts, mail accounts and pseudonyms for all the listed users in the /root/adduserlist.txt file.
# NOTE *By default usernames/passwords are set to the same value*


if [ ! -f $UFILE ]; then
echo User database $UFILE missing

# export record=`cat $UFILE`
# if [ "$record" != "" ]; then

# --------------------------
# Make sure the lines below are all indented as shown
# --------------------------
   for record in `cat $UFILE`
   username=`echo $record | awk -F":" {'print $1'}`
   firstname=`echo $record | awk -F":" {'print $2'}`
   lastname=`echo $record | awk -F":" {'print $3'}`
   uid=`echo $record | awk -F":" {'print $4'}`

# ----------------------
# Set values for account
# ----------------------
# Available values and options are shown below as 'option' :
# FirstName $firstname
# LastName $lastname
# Dept 'department'
# Company 'company name'
# Street 'address'
# City 'city, postal, prov/state, country'
# Phone 'phone number'
# EmailForward 'local, forward, both'
# ForwardAddress 'leave blank or enter forward address'
# Below are the minimum values with no changes required
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts set $username user FirstName $firstname LastName $lastname PasswordSet no Uid $number Gid $number

# ---------------
# Create Account
# ---------------
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event user-create $username

# ---------------
# Pause Script, bug reported by Jeffrey Smith
# ---------------
sleep 3

# ----------------
# Create Password
# -----------------------------------------------------
# (in this case the username and password are the same)
# eg: ( '$username', 'PASSWORD' );"
# -----------------------------------------------------
perl -e "use esmith::util; esmith::util::setUserPassword ( '$username', '$username' );"

# ---------------------------------
# Set value for password as created
# ---------------------------------
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop $username PasswordSet yes

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Create Pseudonym (
# Create Pseudonym (
# (simple comment these lines out to not create Pseudonyms)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event pseudonym-create $firstname.$lastname $username
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event pseudonym-create $firstname_$lastname $username
