Howto to install snort + oinkmaster + guardian + base on sme server 7.x

Author: MasterSleepy
Release: SME Server 7.x
License: GPL


Problem: You want to install snort on sme server 7.x
Solution: Follow this Howto

STEP 1: Install Snort

Download and install the contrib

[root@server root]# wget ""
[root@server root]# rpm -ivh smeserver-snort-2.4.3-1.i386.rpm

STEP 2:  Start service

Snort will be automatically activate when you restart server, or you can launch it manually

[root@server root]# service snortd restart

STEP 3:  Service option

You can activate or deactivate mysql logging

To deactive mysql plugin

[root@server root]# db configuration setprop snortd mysql disabled
[root@server root]# service snortd restart

To active mysql plugin

[root@server root]# db configuration setprop snortd mysql enabled
[root@server root]# service snortd restart

If http_inspect is to restrive, you can deactive it

[root@server root]# db configuration setprop snortd HttpInspect disabled
[root@server root]# service snortd restart

To activate http_inspect

[root@server root]# db configuration setprop snortd HttpInspect enabled
[root@server root]# service snortd restart

STEP 4: Install Oinkmaster

Oinkmaster can keep snort rules up-to-date by downloading new rules from internet.

Download and install the contrib

[root@server root]# wget ""
[root@server root]# rpm -ivh smeserver-oinkmaster-1.2-1.noarch.rpm

STEP 5: Configure Oinkmaster

Oinkmaster can retrieve snort rules from different web site.
3 differents source have configure for this package:

Rules with oincode

You have to go to snort web site and register
When you are registered, go to your user preferences
At the end of the page you have a table with title "Oink Code", clic button "Get Code".
Now you have a oinkcode that you can give to oinkmaster with the following command
[root@server root]# db configuration setprop oinkmaster code <code given>
[root@server root]# expand-template /etc/oinkmaster.conf

Community rules

Activated community rules to be downloaded with commandes
[root@server root]# db configuration setprop oinkmaster community enabled
[root@server root]# expand-template /etc/oinkmaster.conf

Bleeding rules

Activated bleeding rules to be downloaded with commandes
[root@server root]# db configuration setprop oinkmaster bleeding enabled
[root@server root]# expand-template /etc/oinkmaster.conf
Oinkmaster will run every day!! If you want to change that for weekly
[root@server root]# mv /etc/cron.daily/02-oinkmaster /etc/cron.weekly/

STEP 6: Install guardian

When snort detect some alert, guardian will black list the ip during one day.

Download and install the contrib

[root@server root]# wget ""
[root@server root]# rpm -ivh smeserver-guardiand-1.7-1.noarch.rpm

STEP 7: Configure guardian service

Guardian service can be deactive using

[root@server root]# db configuration set guardiand service status disabled

Guardian service can be active using

[root@server root]# db configuration set guardiand service status enabled

STEP 8: Install base

Download and install base rpm

[root@server root]# wget ""
[root@server root]# rpm -ivh smeserver-base-1.2.2-1.noarch.rpm

go to url